Assignment 1 exercise - Close Up Minimalist Photograph Using Mobile Phone Camera

09:37 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  The first day of lecture and there comes the first assignment and the MOST shocking part is that the deadline is by the night of following day! Wow! It's the first time I get this kind of "quick" assignment which contain 15% marks! It took me a second to digest whether it is a joke or not... Well, I still manage to get it done... So here are some of my Black & White close up photograph :) I use my phone camera and use black and white filter for these photograph. Some i did extra editing using VSCO by playing with the contrast, exposure and saturation.
This is the purple plant from my garden.
Red flower from my garden too :)
Get this from Taylor's. This tree is at the stairs near the lake!
Carpet at my room
Ermm how do i explain this... It's a "tile" at my garden...
Bicycle handle... There's a lot of dust and dog fur T.T
From Taylor's too.. somewhere near the lake?? I think xD

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