Assignment 2a - Inspiration

23:41 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  Right after the submission of Assignment 1, Ms Sharmila and Ms Anne gave us a lecture for the next assignment. Basically, this assignment are separated into two part. One is inspiration and from the inspiration, we need to do transformation. This is a group assignment so I was assign to group with Tasnia, Yew Chin, Joharris and Hariz. With everyone agreement, they chose me as the group leader. Next, the group leader had to draw slot to pick one chair as our research. I'm famous with my bad luck so yeah... we got Paimio Lounge Chair by Alvar Aalto which was manufactured on 1932. This isn't a bad chair but it has a lots of curve which make us struggle for the following process.

  So, the first thing we need to do is mind mapping. We needed to find the background of the designer as well as the chair. During the mind mapping, everyone in my group participate in finding information. Meanwhile, for the mahjong, me, YC and Tasnia took charge of the drawings and Joharris in charge of the architecture lettering. (BTW Hariz wasn't in the group yet for the mind mapping because he was introduced to the class a week later.) Then, we had a presentation with the classmates.

 The following step is that we need to make the chair in scale of 1:5. We were recommended to use balsa wood for our furniture. We did a lot of experiment on softening the balsa wood. We tried soaking in boiling water for hours but it still not enough soft to bend the small curve. So, YC just decided to soak it in normal water for 4 hours (overnight). It is bendable but still not enough soft. We had not choice to bend it using force. After that, we painted the seat in black using acrylic.

Visual presentation
Our team! From left - Hariz, YC, me, Tasnia and Joharris
Sketch Paimio chair in 1:5 scale
Side view of the model making
Side tilt view
Front view
  In the same time of model making, everyone need to sketch 3 views of the chair and classify the formal organisation also the application for inspiration - tangible and intangible.

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