Video shooting - planning, filming, helping

11:40 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  Last week, I started to film for my video. But before that (during cny), I was busy planing and finding for male actor also venue. Finding for a male actor is the most difficult part for this whole assignment. As we all know, not many guys like to act, also many of them are not free on cny even after cny due to their studies. I had been stressed out for a week on finding male actor. I even try asking the "cny renting boyfriend" but fail because the guy lives in JB(THIS IS INSANE). Asking all my close male friends for help but no one wants. And the very unfortunate is that I have only few male friends which my fingers can count on to. Just before I wanted to give up on this assignment, I found one which is my ex school mate! We are kinda close but not really close. We seldom talk in class but because of this video, we became buddies.

  So, on the D-day of filming, Peimun who is the actress for my video met her partner for the first time! HA! Here's come the awkward moments! The first time when they both play for the video, Peimun was so shy to look into Brinn's (actor) eyes. But soon they warmed up, the process of filming was very fun! NG scene, sudden laugh come often (Blooper will be uploaded on Youtube soon! Stay Tuned). Other than having fun, I do have stress time when the actor and actress was stressed up due to some reasons which I couldn't avoid. Solving these problem make me realised how difficult it is to film a drama or even a simple short film. Handling personal feelings and caring others feeling is the key in here. I really learn a lot in this video shooting.

  After I done my filming, I also help Carmen, Huili and Peimun to film for theirs as an actress. I really like acting but remembering script is a big challenge. I used to have strong memory power when I was young but due to design course which we don't need to remember any terms, my memory power drop rapidly. The whole process of filming was really enjoying and now I just hoping the outcome will be great.

My Team!

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