Sand art

20:39 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  When I was young, I have bottles of sand art that given by my sister as birthday present. Actually that's not sand in it, but it's chalk powder. She use blade to sharpen the chalk to get the powder. Then, she placed it carefully, and make strips of pastel colours. There's also another kind of sand art bottle which they create a scenery in the bottle.

This is the one my sister made

  Besides, there's also sand drawing which I wanted to learn it so much as well as water art. The artist splash some of the sand on a transparent screen and start drawing a short story out of it. Recently, there's this kdrama which is very famous called "Guardian - The Lonely and Great God (Goblin)". One of the fan create a series of Goblin's sand art, even for the OST

  Another kind of sand drawing is the real drawing on sand (on beach) or building a sculpture using sand. I wonder how the sand can be so firm and stand still. Doing sand art needs a lot of patient or else when the wind blows or when the water splash it.... I don't know what happened then...

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