The Triangles

09:41 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  When I say "Triangle", you probably will think of the shape but what I think of is the "Triangle Areas". What do I mean about "Triangle Areas"? I have been interested in Bermuda Triangle since I was young and recently, I found out there's another "Triangle" when I'm doing my research for my English assignment.

Bermuda Triangle
The mysterious triangle, the Devil's Triangle, a place where numbers of aircraft and ships went missing under mysterious circumstances.

1)   Ellen Austin
            A ship called Ellen Austin was supposed to came across a derelict ship that have prize crew in it   but the derelict disappear and reappeared without prize crew, then disappear again.
2)   Flight 19
Flight 19 was a training flight of 5 TBM Avenger where it supposed to land back the base but it never returned. The disappearance is attributed by Navy investigators to navigational error leading to aircraft running out of fuel. One of the rescue aircraft, PB Mariner with 13-man crew also disappeared. A tanker at Florida reported seeing an explosion and observing a widespread oil slick when searching for survivors. The weather was becoming stormy by the end of incident.
3)   Star Tiger and Star Ariel
Star Tiger disappeared in January 30, 1948, on a flight from Azores to Bermuda whereas Star Ariel disappeared on January 17,1949, on flight form Bermuda to Kingston, Jamaica. Bothe were Avro Tudor IV passenger aircraft operated by British South American Airways.
4)   USS Cyclops
USS Cyclops was carrying full load of manganese ore with one engine out of action. It went missing without a trace after departing the island of Barbados.

Coral Triangle
It is a marine area located at the western Pacific Ocean including waters of Malaysia, Indonesia Philippines and Papua New Guinea. It's named because of the staggering numbers of coral ( over 600 different species of coral), 7 marine turtle species and more then 2000 reef fish.

Golden Triangle
It is one of the two main opium-producing area in the world. It is an area overlaps the mountains of three countries which are Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. The Golden Triangle designates the confluence of the Ruak river and the Mekong river. This area is not administering by any government  of these three country. Due to lack of government control, corruption is a very common thing happen here. It supply opium to Asia

Also introducing, Golden Crescent
It involves Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, the first largest heroin-producing area. It supply heroin to western China


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