De Sylvia - Beach & Rocking chair + Trolley

08:21 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  After the crit session, we started to find materials for our furniture. At first, we planned to use wood, G.I steel and rubber motorbike tube for our major parts of the furniture. Heidi and I both know some wood / furniture factory that provide wood. So, we called and asked about the details but Heidi's one were not available to provide the woods because the workers had went to another factory at semenyih whereas mine can but it will be a bit expensive as the woods are imported and he will cut the shape for us. Unfortunately, when we get the woods, it is slightly smaller than the original measurement. It supposed to be 45 cm wide but it had become 33cm where only small size people can fit in. Since it's a design for my partner and both of us can fit in, so it's fine xD

  Then, once the wood were done, I brought it to the steel factory to make the handle. Before the woods have done, I visit the steel factory to ask whether he can make the handle for me and he said can but this time when I went there, he said he misunderstood as thought that my handle is made of wood and just add a thin steel piece for touch up. Here is where the misunderstanding and miscommunication happens. However, he is so kind that he gave me a lot of different ideas to make the handle. First one is I just get a wood handle and shape it like my mock up. Second is he just thin steel piece (like those ice skate shoe) and lock it as rocking chair and it can't transform to trolley. Third is use aluminium kind of hollow steel (like gates steel) and curve it but that will cost more around RM200-300. So, I decided just use the first idea as it saves cost and more convenient. I'm very thankful to the person at the steel factory because he gave me free knowledge, free steel rod for the joint and free welding service! I'm so delight to meet someone that is so kind-hearted and willingly to share ideas to help students like me T.T

  After cutting the handle, we assemble the chair and fix the rollers but we encounter another problem that is the round handle is too big that the rollers can even land on floor. We should either make the handle smaller or buy bigger rollers. In the end, the trolley still can't function. I'm going to bang the wall... We also lack of time to fix it so that's our final... May god bless our grades AHAHA

  I want to take this opportunity to thanks my partner, Heidi for helping me, sharing ideas, and doing the paper works. Also, sorry and thanks her to tolerate my bad temper when I'm stressing out. I feel very bad because my temper wasn't that good during the process of doing the model. I'm sorry, my partner!

When I realised the woods were too small, but we had no time to fix it. 

Small size roller
With handle
detail of the front joint 

detail of back joint
plan view
Beach chair 
It is comfortable when I sit on it, just there's no head rest and the chair quite low.
Rocking chair

Trolley with big handle...
Final presentation

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