Assignment 2b - Transformation (Haven't Upgrade)

18:14 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  After the group work, we are needed to design a lighting piece with the condition of using the chair as inspiration also the keywords. For me, I wrote relaxing, curvy and organic for my keywords and radial for formal organisation. I did some research to get the inspiration and ideas. By the way, this post are the non upgraded series of mock up also sketches. So, well, back to the topic, I designed my lamp like a whale cow spots according what ms Anne said *-.-* and I named it as "The Lucerne" which means lamp in latin.
A range of first ideas
Develop more at the chosen one
Second range of ideas
My final base model
Base model mock up (top view)
Base model mock up (side view)
  Continuing from base model, there's three step until we reach the final outcome. Step one is position. At this step, we need to decide how to put our design as like it is floating in the air. At first, I was thinking to use the most simple way - suspended using a wire. But that doesn't look interesting so I change it to suspended in the way of mounted.
Keywords research
First idea for step one
P.s: I forgotten to take a picture of the mock up and it's ruined.
Final idea for step one which needed to upgrade
*stay tuned for my next post about the up gradation*
Step one mock up
  Step two is physical alteration. The first idea come to my mind when doing this step is I need to bent or twist my model so that it look more alive. So, spiral staircase inspired me also the wavy pattern which later my model have a spiral down to the middle and a wave to the end. I use split method so that my lighting piece doesn't look so solid.
Step two ideas
Step two final idea
Fail mock up for step two as it looks clumsy and messy
  Step three is design variation. I had some stress on this step as my previous step already include rhythm and repetition. So, i just make a slight change by playing with the gap between the rings and the size of the rings.
A little of step three ideas
Step three ideas which I play with the height and the size
Undone step three mock up
  After I done this series of mock up, I went to one-to-one tutorial with ms Sharmila. There's a few things I need to bear in mind.
  • Make the lighting piece float using only balsa wood (no mounting board, no wall or ceiling)
  • The balsa wood is part of design. 
  • Decide where to put the light bulb
  • Make a main support for step two so that it can emphasise the flow and make it more tidy
  • Use modelling board instead of mounting board (looks cleaner)
  • Be careful of my way of doing the mock up (glue marks, etc)
  • Make base model slanting so that it looks more interesting 


Practice makes perfect

21:47 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  All of my classmates including me are given an exercise to practice our architecture lettering. Ms Anne chose two paragraph from the book called "Great Expectation" by Charles Dickens. Frankly speaking, I really enjoy doing this! It somehow make me slow down my speed and experience the process also every details of my writing. 

My architecture lettering


Object Perspectives

21:40 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  On 12/4/2017, Ms Aida taught us on one-point and two-point perspective drawing on object. So, in this assignment, we need to draw a chair (one-point) and a table/cabinet (two-point) using the method we learnt. I found out that the furniture looks more logic and 3D form if we use perspective method to draw the object. I also realise and understand how important perspective drawing to an interior architect. After that, we need to render our drawings with colour pencil using hatching skill. And here's where I feel so bad as my rendering ruined the whole piece of drawing. It looks so terrible! I think I need to improve my hatching skill.
Class practice - one point
Class practice - two point
One point perspective drawing of Norraker Chair
Two point perspective drawing of Seguro square coffee table


Assignment 2a - Inspiration

23:41 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  Right after the submission of Assignment 1, Ms Sharmila and Ms Anne gave us a lecture for the next assignment. Basically, this assignment are separated into two part. One is inspiration and from the inspiration, we need to do transformation. This is a group assignment so I was assign to group with Tasnia, Yew Chin, Joharris and Hariz. With everyone agreement, they chose me as the group leader. Next, the group leader had to draw slot to pick one chair as our research. I'm famous with my bad luck so yeah... we got Paimio Lounge Chair by Alvar Aalto which was manufactured on 1932. This isn't a bad chair but it has a lots of curve which make us struggle for the following process.

  So, the first thing we need to do is mind mapping. We needed to find the background of the designer as well as the chair. During the mind mapping, everyone in my group participate in finding information. Meanwhile, for the mahjong, me, YC and Tasnia took charge of the drawings and Joharris in charge of the architecture lettering. (BTW Hariz wasn't in the group yet for the mind mapping because he was introduced to the class a week later.) Then, we had a presentation with the classmates.

 The following step is that we need to make the chair in scale of 1:5. We were recommended to use balsa wood for our furniture. We did a lot of experiment on softening the balsa wood. We tried soaking in boiling water for hours but it still not enough soft to bend the small curve. So, YC just decided to soak it in normal water for 4 hours (overnight). It is bendable but still not enough soft. We had not choice to bend it using force. After that, we painted the seat in black using acrylic.

Visual presentation
Our team! From left - Hariz, YC, me, Tasnia and Joharris
Sketch Paimio chair in 1:5 scale
Side view of the model making
Side tilt view
Front view
  In the same time of model making, everyone need to sketch 3 views of the chair and classify the formal organisation also the application for inspiration - tangible and intangible.


Expression in Sketching

07:56 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  A new chapter has begin on March 2017! Also, here's come my very first assignment by Ms Aida for the subject of Design Communication 1. This assignment is separated to two parts just like the IAD. Part one, I need to do contouring for my two vegetable (capsicum and ladies finger). Before that, Ms Aida gave us a session of tutorial to let us try out contouring. I had never done contouring before and that tutorial just save my life from this assignment. So, after the tutorial, we needed to submit the part one assignment on that day too.

Trying out blind contour and contour drawing during the tutorial.
Assignment 1a - Capsicum
Assignment 1a - Ladies Finger
  For part two, Ms Aida told us to pass up next week as a homework. In this assignment, we need to sketch with tonal value using four different methods - hatching, crosshatching, scribbling and stippling. I'm not an art base student, also haven't been to art class for years. I was totally blank for these four words. So, I went to watch Youtube Tutorial and get some basic skills from it. I found out it was so much fun to sketch using this skills. My favourite method is scribbling.

Assignment 1b


Assignment 1 - Anthropometric & Ergonomic

18:02 Nicole Tay 1 Comments

  Starting a new programme is just like starting a new whole chapter of my life. I always heard that degree life is tough and as a design student, I might have to skip few days of sleep (according to what my seniors said). Well, I just want to tell you that I'M GOING TO COPE WITH IT!
  So, here's my very first assignment for Interior Architecture Design 1, given by Ms Sharmila. This assignment is separated into two parts. The first part is draw 12 activities of  my daily routine which need to be in different poses and using different furniture. This is to study the proportion of me and the furniture. And from this 12 poses, I will have to choose 3 poses for the second part. In the second part of this assignment, I need to measure the furniture and draw the plan and side view of it  according scale of 1:20. Also, I got to draw another 5 alternative poses using our imagination corresponding with the furniture.
  Drawing human figure is always my weak point. I hate drawing live things like animals or flowers. The outcome is always terrible. But in this assignment, I learnt how to draw human figure but it's still quite not in proportion. I will practice more so that I can master the proportion better.

My 12 daily activities for 1a
A class exercise for us to learnt drawing using metric ruler 

Three poses for 1b