
20:52 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  I'm so impressed by every of her artworks/projects. I still can't forget the feeling when I first saw her artwork. I couldn't think of using that way to present my artwork. Red Hong Yi, the artist I had admired for a long time yet still always surprise me with her works. She is a Malaysian and now working at Shang Hai. Graduated from University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Planning and Design, and a Master of Architecture. She always explore material and from there, she has a nickname, an artist who 'paints without paintbrush'. She use her surrounding stuff as her material on her 'canvas'.
   The artwork I get impressed first was the bear. She stamp the whole picture of bear by using celery stalks.

Portrait Series
Adele, use melted candle
Jay Chou, coffee cup stains
Lucio Dalla, coffee cup stains
Jamie Oliver, using veggies
Jackie Chan, using 64,000 wooden chopsticks
Teh Tarik man, using 20,000 tea bags
 Petal Series

Plate Series

Star Wars Series

Darth Vader made of tin foil 
R2-D2 made of sliced up graphics card
Princess Leia silhouette made of cut up jeans

Grid Series
Chicken, using goji berries
Cat, using blueberries

Merlion Project
use 15k burnt chopsticks

Uniqlo USA Project

Rolling socks


The Triangles

09:41 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  When I say "Triangle", you probably will think of the shape but what I think of is the "Triangle Areas". What do I mean about "Triangle Areas"? I have been interested in Bermuda Triangle since I was young and recently, I found out there's another "Triangle" when I'm doing my research for my English assignment.

Bermuda Triangle
The mysterious triangle, the Devil's Triangle, a place where numbers of aircraft and ships went missing under mysterious circumstances.

1)   Ellen Austin
            A ship called Ellen Austin was supposed to came across a derelict ship that have prize crew in it   but the derelict disappear and reappeared without prize crew, then disappear again.
2)   Flight 19
Flight 19 was a training flight of 5 TBM Avenger where it supposed to land back the base but it never returned. The disappearance is attributed by Navy investigators to navigational error leading to aircraft running out of fuel. One of the rescue aircraft, PB Mariner with 13-man crew also disappeared. A tanker at Florida reported seeing an explosion and observing a widespread oil slick when searching for survivors. The weather was becoming stormy by the end of incident.
3)   Star Tiger and Star Ariel
Star Tiger disappeared in January 30, 1948, on a flight from Azores to Bermuda whereas Star Ariel disappeared on January 17,1949, on flight form Bermuda to Kingston, Jamaica. Bothe were Avro Tudor IV passenger aircraft operated by British South American Airways.
4)   USS Cyclops
USS Cyclops was carrying full load of manganese ore with one engine out of action. It went missing without a trace after departing the island of Barbados.

Coral Triangle
It is a marine area located at the western Pacific Ocean including waters of Malaysia, Indonesia Philippines and Papua New Guinea. It's named because of the staggering numbers of coral ( over 600 different species of coral), 7 marine turtle species and more then 2000 reef fish.

Golden Triangle
It is one of the two main opium-producing area in the world. It is an area overlaps the mountains of three countries which are Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. The Golden Triangle designates the confluence of the Ruak river and the Mekong river. This area is not administering by any government  of these three country. Due to lack of government control, corruption is a very common thing happen here. It supply opium to Asia

Also introducing, Golden Crescent
It involves Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, the first largest heroin-producing area. It supply heroin to western China



Some of my horrible thoughts

14:42 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

Can things alert us before things happen worst? If can’t, why do we regret? Things happen for a reason, maybe for god sake? I don’t know. That’s what I always tell myself whenever I regret doing things. So, now I don’t want to have any regrets. I did everything I want to do but people scold me or nag me, saying why am I so stubborn, why am I so reckless like a kid… sometimes I do want to live like a kid because whatever they do, they will be forgiven... The older we get, people expect us to do well than the younger ones, do as how they expect us... There comes the “stress” we always mention... We need to care people’s feeling meanwhile do the right thing... Making decision like this, people always regret of not choosing the right choice… but there is always a reason u choose that… I always think what if I choose another choice than the original one, maybe my life will be different. I might live happily ever after. But there’s nothing we can foresee. Life is selfish. Every step we take now will change our future. “Our faith is on our hand”, for those who don’t believe in faith but for those who believe in faith, they will say faith is created by god, we just have to follow it. Every person has a different story of their life. What if I’m born in a rich family? How my life will it be? Will it be nicer or tougher as rich families always strive of family property like how TV drama shown?

Sometimes I think too much until I get sick of it… Why life is so hard… Why on this earth, there’s people do like favoritism? Why people are so fake… Why love is so complicated? How can a person change so much in just 1 year? Friend of mine told me once, “you change so much since the last time I met u” … Yeah, I changed... Due to the circumstances I faced, the problem I faced, the hard time I faced where you don’t even know… People change whenever they faced a heartbreak… They become stronger so that they will not fall so easily just like a wolf, so that they can live in this crucial world… Sometimes, I look at my mum… her outer is so strong that everyone thought she is the iron lady but deep down inside, maybe her heart had broke into pieces, maybe she has been through something we couldn’t imagine how worst is it, or simply this world had made her to do so.

  Hospital is one of the place I will avoid to go because at there, nothing good will happen… Humans born, patient die, people suffer… A place where hell and heaven meet. A place where Dettol smell is so strong that you want to leave. A place where the most blood you can see in life whether is from a surgery room, a blood bank or an emergency room. A place where death certificate and birth certificate are approved. Tube, mask, white coat, syringe, shiny operating stuff, silver tray, people groan, people sorrow… Hospital is a horrible place for me. It just like a haunted house for me…

[ Well, I just think too much LOL ]


Do you dare to challenge?

13:33 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  It's have been a trend to do some weird challenge. In 2016, I can say that it has the most challenge of the year. Mannequin challenge, backpack challenge, pie face challenge and so forth....

Mannequin Challenge
It is believed was started by students in Jacksonville, Florida on October 12, 2016. It is a challenge where people in the video frozen in action like mannequin. It is a viral internet video in Instagram and Twitter.

Backpack Challenge
One have to try it best to reach the end by running through a "corridor" where people throw bags to him/her. Abucci Wood, a Twitter user is the founder of this challenge.

   Malaysian famous Youtuber, Jinnyboy has done quite a number of challenge with his friends. Let me share some of his videos...

  Meanwhile in China, challenges are made by comparing body shape.

A4 waist challenge
Whoever waist is smaller then a A4 size paper, the person win. Many people say this is an unhealthy challenge as a challenger will starve to win the challenge.

Bottle Flip Challenge
To see whether you can flip the bottle back to upright position


Every girl's dream

12:59 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

   Recently, I had saw a post from Facebook. It's a wedding dress series photoshoot. It trapped my eyes because the wedding dress is so unique that it's different from those traditional style white wedding dress. So, I google searched the brand/designer - Stella de Libero. It is a Japan based brand. The designer get her inspiration from Marie Antoinette. Her designed gown is so gorgeous that it gave the feeling of noble queen when a bride wore it. The designer also design a few series which she add in elements like stained glass, bouquet and so on.

Stained Glass Series

The Brilliant Series