Assignment 2 - Concept and Design Development

20:24 Nicole Tay 0 Comments

  Right after Assignment 1 presentation, my lecturer told us to do ideation by using bubble map to generate ideas. After that, sketch at least 10 design for an idea. This was really tough as I feel that what I drew is already existing now, not for future. Therefore, my lecturer ask me to take a break while searching some really nice furniture because I was really exhausted after forcing myself to do 50 sketches. After that, my lecturer also reduce the sketches to 30 so that we focus more on quality not quantity. She also intimate Carl Liu sketching demo to us. This is for the first time I feel sketch can be so pleasant and nice.

Bubble map 
Teacher sketch  
Play sketches
Work Sketches 
Verbal Communication Sketches
Relax Sketches
Relax Sketches 2
Disconnect sketches
  So, from the 50 sketches, 3 design are chosen for further development. More Pinterest search, more sketches until I feel like giving up on this module. Keep doing sketches until the one I feel the best. And finally, I get the design I like. I wouldn't say it is the best but it is the one that my heart say:" This is the one!" I get the inspiration from wave, also infinity symbol. I know that I will have challenges if I'm going to built this furniture out but I'm not afraid of it because challenges make me grow. But at the same time, I'm actually hoping my lecturer doesn't choose my design because it's so difficult to make this s**t out!
Teacher's note down
Further Development from Play 1
Further Development from Play 2
Further Development from Trampoline design
Further Development from verbal communication
  For the composition of the board, I use the same colour theme from my previous assignment. I really struggle on the technical drawing even though I made a mock up model as a reference. And I was planning to use wood and glass/plastic to make the furniture. As you can see from the material I planned to use, you can know that how much I want my lecturer not to choose my design because moulding glass or plastic is really expensive for a student which take this module as minor subject.

Presentation Board
Mock up model